30 thoughts on “All Of Algebra 1 Defined In 5 Minutes”

  1. I knew all of this stuff in 6th grade. 8th grade curriculum, what are you doing?! You are teaching 6th graders and 8th graders the same things!!! Great video, just wish my school system made sense.

  2. I’m going to is a fine arts school this coming year, and I’m going in to the math science department. I was asked if I want to skip pre algebra and algebra 1 and go to honors algebra, so here I am, morning of my algebra 1 exam, hoping I can go to honors geometry 👍

  3. Ive been out of school for about 20 years and i just needed to brush up on algebra for a class and now I'm even MORE confused than when I started. You didn't really explain the process to help someone understand.

  4. Damn. I’m 26, with a firm grasp on multi-variable calculus and linear algebra, and I couldn’t do a better job of explaining Algebra I to 6th graders in 5 minutes than this video does. A+ educational material

  5. Thanks I heard you have to take a placement test for ur college orientation. so I came back just to review all my high school math.


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