25 thoughts on “Algebra for Dummies – MathHelp.com – 1000+ On-line Math Classes”

  1. Как этот материал преподается в России: преподаватель пишет задачу на доске и ученики 10-15 минут пытаются ее решить, основываясь на собственной логике и полученных до этого знаниях математики. Из 25 человек её решает половина, остальные переходят в разряд идиотов)))

  2. On the last step of this equation he meant to say "plus" when adding the exponants together. He accidentally said "times". I don't think he caught that mistake before posting this..that may be why some of you are confused.

  3. HOLY SHIT! I'm in the 7th grade and I'm learning pre algebra. It's literally just the basics of this and I understand this. I also understand the exponents. Wow this is just amazing. I know I'm never going to even use this crap in my life but I can't afford another D in my class.

  4. Never got into maths but have decided to learn it…damn am I in the wrong class at this current point in time (laughs) I'll be back after I get whatever lesson comes before this one or the one before that or the one before the one before that…I know what 1 plus 1 is so I know I don't have to start ALL over again at least (laughs)


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