Algebra Shortcut Trick – find out how to clear up equations immediately

Clear up algebra equations simply with no drawback – OK, possibly in about 7 seconds! This quick math trick for fast calculation can have you appropriately answering algebraic equations – even freshmen!

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35 thoughts on “Algebra Shortcut Trick – find out how to clear up equations immediately”

  1. Sonny! This all looks quiet impressive. But the 💲64,000 question is, what can u use that with?
    Doesn't look a person can use that in a supermarket to add up items before going to check-out for example.

  2. I really just watched 3 videos and didn’t understand it but you were straight to the point and didn’t go in circles so I understand it Thankyou sm

  3. Math to me :
    An alien language
    Me trying to understand it
    Teacher: try
    Me: alright I’m done with life watches this video
    Also me: this still makes no sense I’m to dumb when it comes to anything math —

  4. School: teaches this for 2-4 weeks mom:teaches this for 4 hour to 1 day video,: teaches this for 10 minute me: use calculator and some tricks for 2 minute
    The person reading this :5minutes

  5. I wish you’d been my teacher in high school. They ( guidance counselors) were still telling girls they didn’t ‘need’ to learn much math circa (1970-73). Better late, than never. Your sense of fun is infectious, mate! Gaa Daaay!😬

  6. Watching your videos for the last two days. A few videos showed up in my YT feed. None ever taught like this. As I don't do maths in my profession nowadays, but if I remember these, will definitely teach others hopefully.


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