47 thoughts on “Perceive Calculus in 10 Minutes”

  1. This video may be great but Calculus understood in 10 minutes is not realistic. You have a prerequisite chapter composed of Algebra and maybe some trigonmetry. If your Algebra is not sharp, you will struggle. To help yourself: DO NOT MISS A ANY LECTURES, REVIEW NOTES, DO HOMEWORK AND ASK QUESTIONS.

  2. “If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself” is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein and very evident in this abomination disguised as an explanation. Sorry, but please update the video and give us a better explanation.

  3. I'm currently in 8th grade and right now I will apply to have university classes in high school and I heard in a tik tok video that calculus was driving this girl crazy so now I want to study calculus to be prepared. I hope this works and thank you.God bless you all. 💗🗣️


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